“Do You Love Me More Than These?”

When Jesus asked Simon Peter in Jn.21:15, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Jesus was asking if Peter loved Him more than the other disciples did, making reference to Peter’s claim in Mt.26:33 where Peter said, “Even if everyone falls away because of you, I will never fall away.”

What if the Lord asks you and I today, “Do you love me more than ….?” Like Peter, we have said and sung to the Lord, “I love you, I love you, I love you more than anything or anyone …” – what does that mean?

Do I really love the Lord more than my preferences and desires? Do I love the Lord more than my job, my studies, my family, my friends, my colleagues, my spouse, my children, my money, my car, my house, my cat, my dog, my gadgets, my sports, my hobbies, etc.?

How do we know if we love the Lord more than other things or other people?

We know from the way we think, talk and live. We know by the choices we make each day. A tree is known by its fruit.

We know we love Jesus more when we say,

“I don’t feel like it, I’m tired, I’m busy, I have lots of work to do, I have lots of gatherings and parties, but I love the Lord more than these, I will make time and spend time with the Lord in reading and meditating on His Word and in prayer amidst my busyness.

I may not feel like it, but I will wait on Him for an answer to my question, for guidance in the decisions I need to make.

I’m busy but I will make time for corporate worship, Christian service and witness.

I’m tempted but I will choose not to sin or do anything unholy.

I love my spouse, my children, my parents, my best friends but I will choose what the Lord requires of me above what my loved ones require of me.”

The list goes on. If we would choose the Lord even imperfectly any day, any time, anywhere, over anyone and anything, then we know at the least we are trying hard to love the Lord more than these. And I believe that is all that the Lord requires of us, to try hard to love Him above all else with the help of the Holy Spirit in us.

Don’t just exercise the gifts of the Spirit – speaking in tongues, giving a prophetic word, dance and sing in the Spirit, but be truly led by the Spirit to do the things that the Lord calls us to do – most of it clearly spelt out in His Word, so read it to find out. Be Spirit-led in obeying the Lord.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads us into wonderful things and spiritual moments that bless many people around us, other times the Holy Spirit leads us “into the wilderness to be tempted”, into tough situations. Like Jesus, we need to hold on to the Word of God and resist every temptation the devil throws our way while in the wilderness.

May the Lord give us grace to love Him more than these.

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