Prone To Wander – TWC Daily Devotional 20141227

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Saturday 27 December 2014

prone to wander

“Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love! Here’s my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above”- (from the hymn, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”). Isn’t that so true? Our hearts are prone to wander and leave the God we love. That is why human effort alone cannot save us from our sinfulness, we need the grace of God. Jesus is full of grace and truth. His grace lifts us out from our sinful state and His truth guides us to walk in newness of life, so that we do not live the old life again. Do not think of Him only as the God of grace but also as the God of truth that requires us to live according to His truth which is what we have been saved to do. Once we did not know His truth, thus we could not live according to the truth but now we do. How can we then continue to live in sin and say God’s grace is enough for me? God forbids! Heb.3 makes it very clear that believers (referred to as “holy brothers and sisters” in v.1) are to fix our thoughts on Jesus (v.1) not on worldly and carnal things, hold firmly to our confidence and hope in Christ (v.6), not harden our hearts against God (v.8), not allow our hearts to go astray (v.10), not have a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God (v.12), encourage one another daily (v.13) which means we have faith-building fellowship daily, hold our original conviction firmly to the very end (v.14) and that means not to allow anyone to mislead us into believing new doctrines that are not of God, not rebel and sin against God (v.16,17). The example before us is clear, those who were led out of Egypt, the land of bondage, and who continued to live in sin did not enter the Promised Land because of their unbelief. The author of Hebrews used this as visual aid for us New Testament believers to warn us that those who have been called out of darkness and bondage today, that if we continue in sin, deliberately and continually (Heb.10:26), we will not enter into eternal rest with the Lord. As you walk with the Lord today, let us be aware of our carnal inclinations and humbly ask the Lord to keep our hearts from wandering and from leaving the God we love. Let us pray and ask the Lord to seal our hearts for His courts above. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: 1 “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?”  (Rom.6:1,2)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Aldersgate Methodist Church

Today’s recommended video: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Sarah Noelle) …   Click here for direct YouTube link

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