Christmas Series: You Are Highly Favoured! – TWC Daily Devotional 20141218

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Thursday 18 December 2014


We will be so utterly thrilled if a man or a woman of God would say to us, “You are highly favoured!” It is every believer’s desire, known or unknown to the individual, to be highly favoured by God. And many Christians think of being highly favoured as being blessed with a great education leading to a highly sought-after career with a lucrative remuneration package, an attractive spouse, charming kids, one or more high-end continental cars, elite club memberships, etc. Do these things reflect God’s favour in a person’s life? Yes, to some extent (though not always) but there is more. Being highly favoured could also mean you’re chosen by God for a very important task. The task will result in you having a strong reputation, but it may be a task that requires you to suffer. What a minute, does our loving and gracious God actually call us to do things that result in suffering? Errr…. the answer is yes! Look at Lk.1:28 for instance. Mary was declared by the angel as a woman who was highly favoured. She was told that the Lord was with her and that she had found favor with God (v.30). She was called to bear a child, born of the Holy Spirit, and then to run for their lives to another town after the baby was born. Mary, her husband Joseph and Jesus had to live for many years in obscurity and poverty and that was all part of God’s plan for this highly favoured woman. Not only that, she also had to witness her beloved son being accused, flocked and subsequently crucified for sins He did not commit. For Mary, the call of God in her life was a call to honour and also a call to suffering. It was both bitter and sweet, delightful and sorrowful, satisfying and yet heartbreaking. Mary’s response was, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said.” (v.38) As you walk with God today, remember that being highly favoured is more than about getting comfortable blessings from God. It may also be that God has called you to a special task, which He believes you can do, which may be accompanied by uncomfortable pain and suffering. But the result of the fulfilment of God’s call is always truly amazing! Therefore, let our attitude this Christmas be like Mary’s – “may it be to me as You have said!” Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.”” (Lk.1:28)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Aldersgate Methodist Church

Today’s recommended video: Greatly Blessed, Highly Favoured …   Click here for direct YouTube link

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