Christmas Series: Are You Easily Jealous? – TWC Daily Devotional 20141214

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Sunday 14 December 2014


When King Herod heard about the birth of the King of the Jew, he was greatly disturbed! This was because he was afraid he would lose his kingship and lose the love and respect of his people altogether. Herod must have also heard about the King of the Jews coming to save God’s people from their sins, yet his jealousy and insecurity overtook him. Instead of desiring to worship the Messiah, he planned to kill baby Jesus. Sometimes we are just like Herod. When we hear of a new guy or girl joining our company at a certain position, especially at a level equivalent to ours in the company or higher than ours, we start to feel insecure, jealous or angry. While we may know that the colleague will bring new expertise, important contribution and benefit to the whole team, our feelings of unhappiness obscure all of that. All we see is a threat! The same can also happen in church when a new leader joins the church leadership team. Instead of being thankful for all the good things that the new team member will bring to the organization, we become resentful. When we allow ourselves to feel this way, worst still, talk about how we feel with others in the team, gossip about the new team member, we destroy both the team and as a result, the organization. Some may even go as far as scheming against the new colleague – not being friendly, not cooperating with him or her, letting the poor new team member fail because of lack of help and support, etc. Isn’t that absolutely horrible? It is and that’s how bad and ungodly we can become when we nurture our feelings of jealousy. As you walk with God today, remember to never let such feelings posses you and your senses. Learn to have a big heart and rejoice over new things God is doing even though you may not fully understand it, instead of lamenting over it. May Christmas be a time of generosity, love and thanksgiving. May you and I look beyond our personal desires and embrace what is good for all of us as a team. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.”  (Mt.2:3)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Aldersgate Methodist Church

Today’s recommended video: Change My Heart Oh God …   Click here for direct YouTube link

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