What To Do When Things Go Wrong? – TWC Daily Devotional 20140422

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Tuesday 22 April 2014


“For the joy of the Lord is your strength”, Nehemiah said to God’s people in Neh.8:10. Whenever others have hurt us or when things go wrong, there are two paths you and I can choose. First, to choose the path of self-will, unforgiveness and anger. Those who choose this path will find that it only leads to misery and bitterness the rest of our lives because that’s what unforgiveness and anger do to you. We were created by God to love but if we choose hatred instead of love, we fill our hearts and minds with that which we were not made to indulge in – and the result of it is pollution, corruption and eventually destruction of the heart and mind. Show me someone who has been angry and unforgiving all their lives and I will show you someone who lives in misery and bitterness. The second path a person can choose when faced with hurt and bad situations is the path of faith, thanksgiving and joy. Yes, one can remain full of faith, trusting that God will help us instead of taking matters into our own hands. Sometimes, God just can’t or won’t do anything because we are in the way. When we get out of the way, then God can step in and act. When we decide to have faith and trust God amidst a difficult time, we can also choose to give thanks. To thank God that though the situation seems bad, yet He is still in control. While life may seem to have gone crazy and messy, remember always that the invisible hands of God are still at work in the background. One more thing that is very important is to be joyful always for the the joy of the Lord is our strength! Haven’t you noticed that happy people live better? Putting our faith in God while going through a tough time means that we remain thankful and joyful – the joy that comes from knowing that God is on our side and He will honor us in the end! As you walk with God today, remember that God is with you and will make all things beautiful in His time. That’s His job. Your job is to keep believing and keep trusting. Be thankful and remain in His joy and you will find strength to keep going. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Neh.8:10)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Aldersgate Methodist Church

Today’s recommended video: The joy of the Lord ….  Click here for YouTube link

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