Jesus Died To Free Us From Our Sins – TWC Daily Devotional 20140418

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Friday 18 April 2014


Jesus died to free us from our sins, He died to make holy the unholy, to make righteous the unrighteous. Without Him, we are nothing and we can do nothing. But with Him, all things are possible. On the cross at Calvary, we see the offended God dying for the offenders, who has ever heard of such a thing? Have you ever seen a traffic police officer pay the fine of a speedster? Have you ever heard of a judge who would pay the penalty on behalf of a criminal? Would you give generously to someone who has offended you? This is how amazing God is, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us to demonstrate God’s love for us (Rom.5:8). And since Christ died to free us from our sins, how can we continue to live like a pagan after we have been saved? Shouldn’t we do our utmost to live a life free of sins? How can we indulge in unholy things after we have been made holy? God forbid! A Christian whose lifestyle is no different from a man or woman of the world should question the authenticity of his or her faith. For faith without works is dead (Jas.2:17). While we are saved by faith and not by works, the faith that saves is always accompanied by works. As you walk with God today, as you remember how much He loves you and has given to you, be thankful and live a life of holiness for His glory. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.” (Heb.10.26,27)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Aldersgate Methodist Church

Today’s recommended video: man of sorrows ….  Click here for YouTube link

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