Audacious Faith vs Presumptuous Faith – TWC Daily Devotional 20130408


TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Monday 8 April 2013

got faithAudacious faith is taking surprisingly bold risks in response to God’s revelation. It is faith in God and in what He reveals. It was the faith that my wife had when I was critically ill in December 2011 with an infection that was killing me. The doctor wanted to amputate my left leg from the hip down. But while in prayer, my wife heard the Lord say, “I’ll preserve his legs”. She was sure that the Lord had spoken and so she said to the doctor, “No surgery please, God is going to heal him.” May boldly believed and took the risk of not heeding the doctor’s advice (which could have resulted in the bacteria killing me) in response to God’s revelation. I was miraculously healed. Two days in intensive care, one day in high dependency and by the fourth day, I was in the general ward. That was a miracle, and that was audacious faith in action. On the other hand, taking surprisingly bold risks without first receiving God’s revelation is presumptuous faith. Then, instead of looking to God as our Savior, we are looking to faith as our savior. It is God who saves, not faith. For instance, if my wife had not heard from the Lord and she simply decided to believe by faith that God would heal me without the proposed amputation, that could very well be described as presumptuous faith. And doctors have probably seen many Christians with presumptuous faith, rejecting their advice to the detriment of the patients. Joshua was a warrior known for his audacious faith. His famous victory over Jericho has been retold many times in history. What happened there? Joshua sought the Lord, God gave him a revelation – the entire blueprint telling him exactly what to do, Joshua did it as God had revealed, Jericho was taken. Then, in the next battle – the battle against the men of Ai, Joshua did not receive a revelation from God. He probably thought, “Wow, my God can help me overcome every enemy and take every city. He will never abandon me and He has made me more than a conqueror! I just need to believe it by faith.” Joshua went ahead with the battle based on men’s wisdom and advice, and with a confidence that came from his previous victory. Three thousand men went up against the men of Ai, thirty six were killed and the rest came running back defeated. And only then, we read that Joshua sought the Lord, he “tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening“. The Lord told Joshua about the sin of one of his men, Achan. Joshua dealt with Achan and with God’s guidance, Joshua’s men took the city of Ai subsequently. I have always thought, what would have happened if Joshua had sought the Lord and hear from God first before going against Ai? Maybe thirty six men would not have died. Biblical narratives describe what God is capable of doing, they show us how great is our God. They also tell us that men and women of God acted according to the fresh revelation they specifically received from God each time before they acted. We must do likewise. As you begin your walk with God today, commune with God and seek Him for His Word and revelation for your life. Then, boldly live according to the revelation you receive – have an audacious faith, not a presumptuous one. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “13 …… Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.3:13-14)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
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Today’s recommended video: Teach me Your ways oh Lord … Click here for YouTube link

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