God Speaks Part V: God Speaks Through You! – TWC Daily Devotional 201303025

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Monday 25 March 2013

propheticteamsWhat a privilege it is to serve the Lord! What an honor! We must remember that. God loves to speak and He loves to speak through you and I. Yes, He speaks through us to those who need to hear from Him – both believers and unbelievers. I have witnessed the surprise and the joy of recipients of prophetic words so many times and I am simply in awe of God every time. When the Lord uses one of us to speak prophetically into someone else’s life, especially when he or she is someone we have never met, we know that it is a word from heaven. This divine revelation would always surprise the recipient. In many cases, it also brings about a change in the life of the person receiving the word. However, in some cases, sadly, there has been no difference made. This is because God’s grace is resistible. The stubbornness and the pride of man can resist the grace of God. But that should never discourage us. We must eagerly pursue the gift of prophecy above all other gifts! The Apostle Paul tells us in 1Cor.14:1, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” So we are to eagerly desire all the gifts of the Spirit and above that, desire most the gift of prophecy. 1Cor.14:4 tells us the reason is because the gift of prophecy edifies the church and not just an individual. There is so much fascination with the gift of tongues amongst believers. Yes, it is a great gift indeed, but the gift of prophecy is to be sought with greater hunger and desire. As you begin your walk with God today, eagerly seek the gift of prophecy, ask God for it. The next time you get to pray for someone, before you start, ask the Lord to give you a word for the person. Once your heart is impressed with a word, a picture or a phrase, speak it into the life of the person you are praying for. If you get a strong impression and there is an amazing clarity, speak it strongly. But if you get a vague impression, do not belittle it, speak it as well, but you can say something like this, “well, I’m not absolutely sure about this, but I seem to get an impression from the Lord that you are …. or you may need to ……”. Release the word no matter how vague it may appear. The worst that can happen is that you made a mistake. No big deal. You will grow and become more discerning. If you do not release the word, you will never know if the word was indeed from the Lord and you will not grow in the exercise of the gift of prophecy. The words or pictures God gives me are often vague, but upon releasing them, I know on hindsight that they were indeed from the Lord because of the effect they have on the persons receiving the word. Go for it and edify God’s people. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” (1Cor.14:1)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Email us at twc@cairnhillchurch.com

Today’s recommended video: I need to hear from You … Click here for YouTube link

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