God Speaks Part IV: Are You Listening? – TWC Daily Devotional 201303024

TWC – The Word Connects: Connecting you to God and to one another …
Sunday 24 March 2013

Russian  long-haired toy terrier breed dogThe Lord speaks to lead and guide us in the way we ought to live and fulfill His purposes for our lives. God is always ready and willing to speak. Question is, are we listening? Some of us are not listening because we do not want to. We are afraid of what God might require of us. We want a little religion, but not too much. Some are not listening because we are too busy. We may be doing God’s work, but we are doing it our way, not His way. Yet others do not listen because they do not know how. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” It is sad when His sheep do not listen to His voice. We end up doing things our own way, we say the wrong thing and we end up hurting others and ourselves. One of the biggest problems in the Christian faith is the lack or the absence of a faith that leads to an intimate walk with God – speaking and listening to Him. We tell others that Christianity is not just a religion but a relationship with God, but many amongst us do not relate with God. We do Christian things – we go to church, we sing, we dance, we clap our hands, we study the Bible, we pray, we serve but we do not have a daily communion with God. We may even talk to Him but we do not listen to Him. A church may grow big because it has great music and entertaining sermons, but if the people are not fed the whole Word of God and they are not taught to live according to the revelation they receive, then we will only have converts and not disciples. Many are merely following the formulas – living the do-this-and-you-will-get-that type of Christianity. And it just does not work – at least not all the time! Then, people get disappointed because there is a mismatch between reality and theology, and they start to leave the church and subsequently, abandon the faith altogether. However, when we live according to the revelation we receive, whether the revelation is from the Word of God or from God speaking in our hearts, we enter into abundant living. What He says, He will fulfill. The only difficulty about this is the interpretation of the revelation. Sometimes, we may misinterpret the revelation we receive and as a result, we misunderstand God’s guidance and purposes. What we need to do after receiving a revelation is to ask God for more revelation so that we get it right. As you begin your walk with God today, be a sheep who listens to His voice and then choose to live according to the revelation you receive because it is the way that leads to life. Have a great day!

Today’s Bible text: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (Jn.10:27)

Pastor Barnabas Chong
Email us at twc@cairnhillchurch.com

Today’s recommended video: Pastor Francis Chan on living according to the revelation we receive … Click here for YouTube link

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