Dream God’s Dreams, Make a Difference!

dream god's dreams

How do you make a difference wherever you go and wherever you serve? First, you gotta know if God wants you to make a difference, and make a significant contribution. Once you have that settled, you move on. As far as I am concerned, the Lord wants every one of us to make a difference wherever we go. Second, you seek the Lord. Ask Him to show you what you are called to do in that particular church, ministry, company or organization. Ask for a revelation from heaven, a dream, a divine blueprint, a vision. Third, after having received the revelation, dream, blueprint or vision, don’t rush into it. Seek the Lord and ask Him to give you His timeline and His strategy. Imagine Noah rushing off to build the ark without waiting for God’s instructions on how to build it and when to build and float the ark. It would have been a disaster! Fourth, once you know the ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’, you just go and do it boldly, courageously, yet gently and patiently. Above all, love much, as much as you can. Don’t compromise. When you hit a wall, pray; when someone goes against you (including people who had been good friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ), pray more; when the enemy hurls all kinds of things at you, pray even more. Don’t give up. Don’t stop believing. Don’t let the devil win. Ask God to lead the charge, ask Him to give you the breakthrough and trust me, He will. Fifth, once you’re into it and doing the very thing God has asked you to do and to do it the way He wants you to, take a step back and watch God in action. Walk by faith, not by sight. And finally, give all the glory to God because you will see success! Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and go on to the next thing God wants you to do, and continue to make an impact, make a difference, dream God’s dreams and change the world around you. And when you are gone one day, may the Lord’s work and legacy continue because someone caught the vision and they will take your place. Hallelujah! 

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Mt.19:26

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